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Over fifteen years of artistic doing

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Markt, Wittenberg, DE, 2015

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“If this is you, then this is for you”
A performance at Markt, Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Creation and Interpretation | António Torres
Costumes | Georgina and António Torres
Duration: 45min

After his Bachelor degree in Performance Arts, António Torres finished in 2014 his Bachelor studies of Dance in Lisbon.
He developed his piece “If this is you, then this is for you” while staying at the residence Route Art-Rageous in Wittenberg, a composition purposely developed for the Wittenberg Markt. Torres opportunely reflects on the deliverance of the Pilgrim character as an engine of reflection on contemporaneous social matters which afflict the character’s condition. The pilgrim will appear at the outskirts of the Markt, at location 2.

[…] I´m on my way to change my thoughts and feelings, it seems like an inner trip inside myself, but the confrontation is always the same: Why am I here? Why with these people? Are you happy? Are you really different? Are you really a good person? Look around, Am I different? […] António Torres.


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